Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Release Date

I am planning to make my book available as of December 15th... details to follow.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Final Proof Copy?

I am so excited! This final version should arrive tomorrow and it contains no errors thank to some last minute heroic editing. If all is well, the book will be available by month end... just in time for Christmas shopping!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Proof Copy has arrived!

Wow! I can't believe it! I am actually holding a copy of the book in my hands. The cover looks great. Now, on to yet another proofread. Hopefully, I'll get this out on the market within the next month.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Last Chapter

Whew! I am editing the last chapter of my book. Finally! Then on to round two of reviews and preparation for publishing.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Half way there!

I managed to incorporate the editorial comments into half my book. This is taking much longer than I first anticipated, but I am happy with the results so far. Why does real life seem to interfere with the fanstasy world?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Back to the book!

Yahoo! My editor has returned my manuscript - thank you K.A.Corlett!! Now, to incorporate all the red ink.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Edit in progress

I am excited to report that my novel is being edited (real time) as you read this.

Possible Cover?

This skull popped up in my garden so I took a picture of it. I think this is the cover of my book!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Preliminary Reviews

I am working on my third and (hopefully) last draft of Undead Reckoning, now that I've had a few reviewers take a look at the content. So far, I can't complain with the feedback:

"Undead Reckoning is a great adventure of lives lived, lost, and found."

"Undead Reckoning is a mind-racing epic that won't provide you a moment's peace until the final passage." 

"Undead Reckoning is probably not for a casual reader of geek genre, but it can be a fun, campy ride full of oddly-familiar WTF moments for anyone who owns a 20-sided die."

"A high-velocity boot to the head with a refreshing shamanic twist."

Friday, March 18, 2011

Undead Reckoning Summary

What is Undead Reckoning about? I don;t know if I can explain it:

When Eddie Griffin becomes the youngest NFL rookie to win the Super Bowl, little does he realize it will save his life. The day he pays a post-Super Bowl visit to the troops stationed at Ft. Hood, 98% of the world’s population drops dead. And 99% of those people rise up as flesh-crazed

Luckily, Eddie ends up safe and sound in the confines of an Emergency Services Bunker. But as bunkers fall prey to undead hordes, Eddie is selected to accompany Lt. Jim Shrike on a secret mission. Together, they enter a world filled with roaming zombies, desperate survivors, crazed lunatics, mighty warriors and depraved demons.

Guided by an ancient prophecy, their mission leads them into the mystical world of Nabisusha, where they not only attempt to save humanity, but discover the very nature of the universe.